Ten Dash Line
Will China’s Nine Dashes Ever Turn Into One Line?
As Diplomat readers might be aware, China released a new official map of its territory. As far as Beijing’s provocative moves go, this one was … actually not too bad compared to China’s relatively recent decisions to impose an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea or move oil rigs into Vietnam’s exclusive economic […]
New Map Stretches to Stress South China Sea Claims
China has unveiled a new map of the country that has been vertically extended to emphasize Beijing’s territorial claims in the South China Sea. Edward Wong at the New York Times reports: Chinese claims in the South China Sea have appeared on Chinese maps before, but mostly in the form of an inset. The new map […]
China’s South China Sea Strategy: Win the Perception Battle
With the United States once again preoccupied with events in the Middle East China has made another strategic adjustment to its claims in the South China Sea. It seems clear by now that Beijing has found a new way to bolster its position in what Stratfor analyst Robert D. Kaplan has dubbed Asia’s Cauldron. China’s plan: […]
PH blasts new China map
China, New Map, Nine Dash Line, Paracels, Philippines, Reclamation, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, Ten Dash Line, VietnamMANILA – The Philippine government criticized Wednesday China’s publication of a new map that marks as its territory disputed islands in the South China Sea as well as waters right on the edge of the Philippine coast. Foreign Affairs Spokesman Charles Jose said the publication of the new map only shows China’s “unreasonably expansive claim” […]
New vertical Chinese map gives greater emphasis to South China Sea claims
China has unveiled a new official map of the country giving greater emphasis to its claims on the South China Sea, making the disputed waters and its numerous islets and reefs more clearly seem like national territory. Previous maps published by the government already include China’s claims to most of the South China Sea, but […]
New Chinese map gives greater play to South China Sea claims
(Reuters) – China has unveiled a new official map of the country giving greater play to its claims on the South China Sea, state media said on Wednesday, making the disputed waters and its numerous islets and reefs more clearly seem like national territory. Previous maps published by the government already include China’s claims to […]
China’s New Map: Just Another Dash?
ASEAN, China, Code of Conduct, Malaysia, Nine Dash Line, Philippines, South China Sea Dispute, Taiwan, Ten Dash Line, UNCLOS, VietnamThe recent publication of China’s new national map – which both re-affirms its historical claims to the South China Sea and incorporates a 10th ‘dash’ in the East China Sea, near Taiwan – has created ripples in Southeast Asia and beyond. Since the 10th dash is not, in fact, new, there is less novelty to […]
China’s new ’10-dash line map’ eats into Philippine territory
Brunei, China, GMA News Network, Malaysia, Nine Dash Line, Philippines, South China Sea Dispute, Taiwan, Ten Dash Line, UNCLOS, VietnamThe Philippines has protested China’s recent publication of a new “10-dash line” map that places sprawling offshore territories it claims within Beijing’s “national boundaries,” officials said Friday. In a confidential June 7, 2013 note verbale handed to the Chinese Embassy in Manila, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said it “protests the reference to those […]