Justice Antonio T. Carpio
Opening Remarks for the Cartographic Exhibit
Atty. Elma Christine R. Leogardo, Cartographic Exhibit, IMOA, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Maps, maritime heritage, maritime history, National Defense College of the Philippines, NDCP, South China Sea, South China Sea Dispute, Territorial DisputesAtty. Elma Christine R. Leogardo’s opening remarks at the Cartographic Exhibit highlight the significance of maritime heritage in territorial disputes, presented by the Institute for Maritime and Ocean Affairs (IMOA).
SC justices split on US defense aid in sea row
China, EDCA, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Military Bases, Mutual Defense Treaty, Philippines, South China Sea Dispute, Supreme Court, USAMalacaÑang has found an ally in Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno in defending the legality and benefits of its controversial Philippine-United States Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) when she said that the country needs the help of the US to improve the country’s military capability amid its dispute with China over the West Philippine Sea. […]
Faulty translations misled Beijing’s sea claims (1)
For decades Beijing’s communist rulers have been feeding the Chinese hoodoo history. They preach in schools that China has owned the islands, rocks, reefs, and waters of the South China Sea since time immemorial. “Abundant historical facts” supposedly back this up. Yet genuine accounts from 6,000 years ago to the present disprove Beijing’s propaganda. Records […]
EDCA critic: China execs think Philippines a US lackey
China, EDCA, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Mutual Defense, Philippines, South China Sea Dispute, Supreme Court, USAMANILA, Philippines — Chinese officials pushing for Beijing’s claims on the West Philippine Sea believe the Philippines is still a “factotum” of the United States. This is what lawyer Harry Roque, among the petitioners questioning the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), noted before the Supreme Court during the oral arguments on Tuesday. Senior Associate Justice […]
Scarborough is Phl, antique maps show
Cartographic Exhibit, China, History, IMOA, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Maps, Philippines, Scarborough Shoal, South China Sea Dispute, UPBeijing’s Communist rulers claim Scarborough Shoal by virtue of “ancient historical facts.” Yet, China’s own antique maps and official declarations debunk that line. Made in 1136 to 1933, the 18 old maps consistently show Hainan island-province always to have been China’s southernmost territory. Five Constitutions of the Republic of China – in 1912, 1914, 1924, […]
2014 IMOA Maps Exhibit
Atty. Elma Christine Leogardo, Cartographic Exhibit, China, De La Salle University, DLSU, History, IMOA Maps Exhibit, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Manila, Maps, maritime history, Maritime Law, Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales, Philippine Maritime Disputes, Philippines, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of Justice, Secretary of National Defense, South China Sea Dispute, Supreme Court Justice Antonio T. CarpioThe Institute for Maritime and Ocean Affairs (IMOA) Maps Exhibit was hosted at De La Salle University in Manila on September 10, 2014. The event featured a ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Atty. Elma Christine Leogardo, accompanied by notable government officials including Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales, Secretary of National Defense Voltaire Gazmin, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Albert F. Del Rosario, Secretary of…
China’s 5 Constitutions refute Beijing sea claim
China, History, IMOA, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Maps, Philippines, Scarborough Shoal, South China Sea Dispute, SpratlysThis resumes Wednesday’s piece, “China’s Own Ancient Maps Disprove Beijing Sea Claim.” The article detailed 15 maps of China, 1136-1933, by Chinese officials and citizens. Their common feature: Hainan Island (ancient names Zhuya, Qiongya, Qiongzhou) always has been China’s southernmost territory. Supreme Court Senior Justice Antonio T. Carpio dug up the maps. They belie Beijing’s […]
China-Philippines Territorial Dispute: Ancient Maps ‘Debunk’ Chinese Claim Over Scarborough Shoal
Cartographic Exhibit, China, Historical Truths and Lies, IMOA, Institute for Maritime and Ocean Affairs, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Maps, Philippines, South China Sea DisputeThe Philippines has upped the ante in its territorial dispute with China by fighting fire with fire, or in this case, a map with a map. The Philippines has recently unveiled an exhibit in Manila of 60 ancient maps of Asia that authorities say debunk China’s claimed “historical ownership” over disputed areas of the South […]
Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal): Less-Known Facts vs. Published Fiction
Bajo de Masinloc, Cartographic Exhibit, De La Salle University, Dr. Jay L. Batongbacal, Exhibit, geopolitical insights, historical facts, History, International Law, Jay L. Batongbacal, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Maps, Maritime Sovereignty, Philippines maritime rights, published fiction, Scarborough Shoal, Scarborough Shoal. South China Sea Dispute, South China Sea, territorial dispute, UP, UP Institute for Maritime Affairs & Law of the Sea, West Philippine SeaUncover the lesser-known facts about Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal) and how they contrast with published fiction. Explore historical, legal, and geopolitical insights surrounding this contested maritime feature, as presented by Dr. Jay L. Batongbacal, Director of the UP Institute for Maritime Affairs & Law of the Sea, in his lecture delivered for the Cartographic Exhibit Forum on September 26,…