Scarborough is Phl, antique maps show

Beijing’s Communist rulers claim Scarborough Shoal by virtue of “ancient historical facts.” Yet, China’s own antique maps and official declarations debunk that line.

Made in 1136 to 1933, the 18 old maps consistently show Hainan island-province always to have been China’s southernmost territory. Five Constitutions of the Republic of China – in 1912, 1914, 1924, 1937, and 1946 – reaffirm the maps and declare Hainan to be the southernmost boundary. (Gotcha, 22 and 24 Oct. 2014.)

Researched by Supreme Court Senior Justice Antonio T. Carpio, replicas of the maps and the Constitutions are now on public display. “Historical Truths and Lies: Scarborough Shoal in Ancient Maps” runs till Nov. 14, 2014. Venue: University of the Philippines, Asian Center, GT-Toyota Hall of Wisdom, Diliman, Quezon City.

The exhibit is a rare treat for Filipinos and other freemen, and for Chinese subjects. Aside from Hainan as China’s southern end, it shows that the dynasties never included the Spratlys or Scarborough Shoal. Not till Beijing’s despots fall will the maps ever be shown together in their true context.

The exhibit also can be viewed at the Institute of Maritime & Ocean Affairs website:


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