Xi to Obama: South China Sea isles ours

WASHINGTON – Islands in the South China Sea have been Chinese territory “since ancient times,” Chinese President Xi Jinping told US President Barack Obama on Friday during their meeting after the latter voiced concern over massive land reclamation and militarization in disputed waters.

“We have the right to uphold our own territorial sovereignty and lawful legitimate maritime rights and interests,” Xi said.

“Relevant construction activity that China is undertaking in the Nansha Islands does not target or impact any country and there is no intention to militarize,” Xi said, using the Chinese name for the disputed Spratly archipelago.

Xi also reiterated that China is committed to freedom of navigation in the sea and to resolving disputes through dialogue. He said Beijing and Washington had a shared interest in this regard.

Their White House meeting touched on a wide range of issues including human rights, climate change and cyber espionage.

Read more: http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2015/09/27/1504385/xi-obama-south-china-sea-isles-ours