Teodoro slams China Coast Guard regulation as ‘provocation’


MANILA, Philippines – Speaking before officers of the Philippine Navy, Defense Secretary Gibo Teodoro on Friday, May 24, criticized China’s newest coast guard regulation as a “provocation,” amid rising tensions between Manila and Beijing. 

“I believe what a provocation is, is the roguish and irresponsible threat to detain quote-unquote ‘trespassers’ in what is claimed as internal waters, but is actually part of the high seas and part of the West Philippine seas, by a country,” Teodoro said at the 126th anniversary of the Philippine Navy. 

“Such behavior is not only a violation of UNCLOS, but also a violation of the precepts of the United Nations Charter, which lays upon each responsible member state the duty to refrain from the threat or the use of force or aggression, to enfo…
