Taiwan renews call for peaceful resolution of South China Sea disputes
Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday reaffirmed their sovereignty over four island groups in the South China Sea, while urging neighboring countries and territories involved in territorial disputes in the area to resolve their differences through dialogue and negotiation. From the perspective of history, geography and international law, the Spratly Islands, as well as […]
If Vietnam and China Went to War: Five Weapons Beijing Should Fear
Editor’s Note: Please see previous works from our “Weapons of War” series including: Five NATO Weapons of War Russia Should Fear, Five Russian Weapons of War NATO Should Fear, Five Chinese Weapons of War America Should Fear, Five American Weapons of War China Should Fear, Five Japanese Weapons of War China Should Fear, Five Best Weapons […]
Taiwan diplomat fears China-Japan ‘explosive’ incident
China’s territorial dispute with Japan over a chain of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea could lead to an “explosive” confrontation, Taiwan’s top diplomat in the United States warned Wednesday. “These little islands could trigger something,” Lyushun Shen, ambassador of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States, said in an […]
China sends four oil rigs to South China Sea amid regional tensions
(Updated 5:27 p.m.) BEIJING – China has sent four oil rigs into the South China Sea in a sign that Beijing is stepping up its exploration for oil and gas in the tense region, less than two months after it positioned a giant drilling platform in waters claimed by Vietnam. Coordinates posted on the website […]
China’s maritime disputes: Fear, honor and interest
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, ASEAN, China, Code of Conduct, Diplomatic Relations, Foreign Policy, Philippines, South China Sea Dispute, Taiwan, UNCLOS, VietnamFueled by China’s growing assertiveness as a rising global power, tensions over territorial disputes have mounted in the Asia-Pacific region. In November last year, Beijing unilaterally expanded its Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) to cover most of the East China Sea, triggering a bitter dispute with Tokyo as the ADIZ also covers the airspace above […]
As Taiwan beefs up prized South China Sea outpost, barely a peep from China
(Reuters) – Taiwan is building a $100 million port next to an airstrip on the lone island it occupies in the disputed South China Sea, a move that is drawing hardly any flak from the most assertive player in the bitterly contested waters – China. The reason, say military strategists, is that Itu Aba could […]
Taiwan conducted live fire exercise at Itu Aba
Notice is hereby given to all mariners and other parties concerned that: 1.Reference: Coast Guard District National Capital Region–Central Luzon Radio Message Cite CGDNCR-CL3-0414-026. 2.For the projected escort mission to the Regatta 2014 form 22-26 April 2014 at SBMA, Olongapo City. The Philippine Coast Guard Vessel BRP Nueva Vizcaya (SARV-3502) will conduct Gun Test Firing […]
Growing Muscle: China’s Neighbors Gear Up for a Fight
China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Militarization, Modernization, Phiippines, South China Sea Dispute, Taiwan, VietnamTAIPEI — The Asia-Pacific naval market is heating up, with massive quantities of new ships to boost regional navies in coming years. According to AMI International, a US-based naval analysis firm, Asia-Pacific has already surpassed Europe as the world’s second largest naval market. AMI projects the region will spend $200 billion on new ships and […]
China Mixing Military Modernization, ‘Tailored Coercion’
TAIPEI — China’s military modernization efforts over the past 20 years have been marked by broad efforts, according to an expert, as opposed to focusing on specific services. “So, we see new naval forces, air forces, ground forces and missile forces,” said Dean Cheng, a China military specialist at the Heritage Foundation. That level of […]
Tighter Budgets Limit Southeast Asian Plans
China, Indonesia, Militarization, Modernization, Philippines, Singapore, South China Sea Dispute, Taiwan, VietnamTAIPEI — In much of Southeast Asia, budgets are smaller and ambitions more limited compared with neighbors to the north, and many countries are trying to rid themselves of much older equipment. But Singapore and Vietnam are generally better equipped and have more extensive plans. Malaysia: Shifting Plans Tight budgets are forcing Kuala Lumpur to […]