Taiwan against moves that would undermine peace in South China Sea
Taipei, May 13 (CNA) Taiwan called for relevant countries Wednesday to avoid any action that could undermine peace and stability amid the simmering tension in the South China Sea. The Foreign Ministry made the remark in response to a recent visit by high-ranking officers of the Philippines to one of the islands in the Spratly […]
Taiwan formula may settle sea dispute
TAIPEI: A Taiwanese official has called for a peaceful settlement of maritime disputes in the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea). Joseph S.C. Hua, director-general of Taiwan’s Department of Cultural and Educational Affairs at the Mainland Affairs Council, on Wednesday said Taiwan’s peaceful approach to resolving maritime disputes with Japan and the Philippines “can be […]
US$11.5bn spent by China to expand disputed Fiery Cross Reef
Artificial Islands, China, Fiery Cross Reef, Philippines, Reclamation, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, Taiwan, USA, VietnamChina has spared no expense on its land reclamation activities in the South China Sea, spending an estimated 73.6 billion yuan (US$11.5 billion) on expanding Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratlys alone, reports our Chinese-language sister paper China Times. For at least a year, China has been actively reclaiming land on seven islands in the […]
ROC will not give up territory in South China Sea: President Ma
Taipei, April 8 (CNA) President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) said Wednesday that his administration will not give up the Republic of China’s territory in the South China Sea, but will continue to seek peaceful means to address the territorial disputes in the region. Although some have advocated that Taiwan should abandon the disputed territories in the […]
With the U.S. distracted, China builds ‘The Mischief Islands’
Artificial Islands, Brunei, China, Malaysia, Reclamation, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, Taiwan, USA, VietnamAs if there aren’t enough territorial disputes the world over, China is — literally — manufacturing a new one in the South China Sea by transforming a series of lonely reefs into small islands. Where nautical charts once identified bumps in the sea as Mischief Reef, Gaven Reef and others, China is dredging massive amounts […]
Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative
Introduction The arbitration case launched by the Philippines against China currently stands as the most significant, and most closely watched, development for specialists and observers of the maritime disputes in the South China Sea (SCS). To help observers navigate through this foggy proceeding, this article attempts to provide a focused overview of the arbitration case […]
As Resistance Grows, Taiwan Challenges China’s Air, Sea Expansion
Airstrips, Artificial Islands, China, East China Sea, Reclamation, South China Sea Dispute, Spratyls, TaiwanLet’s assume 2015 is the year that Taiwan’s government normally friendly to Beijing starts resisting China instead. President Ma Ying-jeou’s Nationalist Party needs some anti-Communist credits for a shot at the presidency next year after disruptive mass protests and surprising local election losses in 2014. As if to kick off that campaign, Taiwan hoisted its […]
Overcoming the Impasse in the South China Sea: Jointly Defining EEZ Claims
The dispute involving China, Taiwan, and four Southeast Asian countries over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights in the South China Sea has been described as one of the world’s most complex and intractable international relations problems. Despite its regional and international ramifications, there is no clear roadmap for how it should be managed or resolved. […]
Vietnam a Growing Threat to Taiwan’s South China Sea Claims: Report
Vietnam’s military expansion on nearby islands could threaten Taiwan’s lone outpost in the South China Sea, according to a new report submitted to Taiwan’s Control Yuan. The report, published by the Ministry of National Defense, noted that Vietnam’s deployment of mobile missiles and artillery guns on island bases could pose a threat to Taiwan’s military […]
China ex-general says force an option in ‘Taiwan problem’
BEIJING – An army general has warned that China will not leave the Taiwan problem “unresolved for a long time,” after the island’s Beijing-friendly ruling party suffered a bruising election defeat, a state-run newspaper said. Liu Jingsong told the annual conference of the Global Times newspaper that the Chinese government would not be afraid to […]