Subi Reef
South China Sea: Satellite Imagery Makes Clear China’s Runway Work at Subi Reef
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, Subi Reef, USASatellite imagery of Subi Reef in the South China Sea taken September 3, 2015 clearly shows subgrading for a runway. At a width of approximately 60 meters, the subgrading could support a runway equal in width to that recently constructed by China at Fiery Cross Reef. The current extent of subgrading at Subi is approximately […]
China hastening work on reclamation projects in disputed waters–DFA
Albert del Rosario, ASEAN, China, Fiery Cross Reef, itlos, Military Bases, Philippines, Reclamation, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, Subi Reef, UNCLOSMANILA, Philippines – China is working double time on their reclamation projects in the South China Sea in order to complete their expansion agenda before the arbitration case is concluded, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Friday. “DFA Secretary Albert del Rosario has mentioned that these activities are now being hastened in anticipation of […]
China reclaiming land in 5 reefs?
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, China, Cuarteron Reef, Eldad Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Hughes Reef, Mabini Reef, Malvar Reef, Panatag Shoal, Philippines, Scarborough Shoal, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, Subi ReefMANILA, Philippines – China is carrying out land reclamation operations in not just one but a total of five areas in the disputed Spratly Islands well within the Philippine maritime zone. A confidential Malacañang report detailed the land reclamation activities of China in five areas, namely Johnson South (Mabini) Reef, Cuarteron (Calderon) Reef, Hughes (Kennan) […]