South Korea
Beijing could win over S Korea if US sides with Japan on E China Sea
A symposium on the tension between the United States, China and Japan in the East China Sea was held in Taipei on Friday, according to our Chinese-language sister paper Want Daily. At the forum Taiwanese scholars said the US has sided with Japan in the region, forcing South Korea to ally with China as a […]
Where does South Korea Stand on the South China Sea Dispute?
In May the world was jolted to learn that China sank Vietnamese vessels that were trying to stop Beijing from putting an oil rig in the South China Sea (SCS). Along with its vast reserves of untapped natural gas, the South China Sea is also important as a shipping route. The Republic of Korea (ROK), […]
International arbitration the way to go for Asia’s maritime disputes
Media attention during Barack Obama’s four-nation Asian trip focused, understandably perhaps, on the three countries that are US allies – Japan, South Korea and the Philippines – and, in particular, on developments with military significance, such as the American president’s assurance that the US-Japan security treaty covered the Senkaku, or Diaoyu, islands claimed by China. […]
Where Did All China’s Asian Friends Go?
China, Diaoyu, Foreign Relations, Japan, Makaysia, Paracels, Philippines, Senkaku, South China Sea Dispute, South Korea, Spratlys, USAUntil recently, Japan was a country where national law forbade it from using war as a way to settle international disputes. The Philippines was on the U.S. piracy list. Indonesia was a neutral country. And no U.S. president had visited Malaysia in 48 years. All of this has now changed, as President Barack Obama wrapped […]
China’s funded partylist & communist armed rebels in the Philippines – No to US power
Communist leftist funded by china’s government in the Philippines shout for panic for the comeback of US power and access to the old US Airbase in Clark. “The US game plan is clear. Washington will scare its puppet government in Manila about the possible outbreak of war between China and the Philippines and other Spratlys […]
Japan, South Korea Hold High-level Talks Amid Strained Ties
South Korea and Japan held vice ministerial-level talks Wednesday in Seoul to discuss improving strained relations. The meeting between Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Akitaka Saiki and his South Korean counterpart Cho Tae-yong is the countries’ highest-level diplomatic interaction in months. Relations between the two Asian powers have plummeted over what Seoul considers Tokyo’s unapologetic stance […]
Phl, SoKor complete talks on 12 fighter jets
MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines is close to acquiring 12 lead-in fighter trainer jets from South Korea as the two countries completed negotiations for the multi-billion-peso project yesterday. The Department of Defense’s special bids and awards committee, led by Undersecretary Fernando Manalo, approved the offer of Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) after about seven months of […]
Kerry Travels to Asia as Japan Moves Closer to Russia, India
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, China, Diplomatic Relations, East China Sea Dispute, Foreign Policy, India, Japan, John Kerry, Russia, South KoreaU.S. Secretary of State John Kerry travels to Asia this week for talks with Chinese and South Korean officials. But he will not be visiting Japan, which is moving closer to Russia and India amid uncertain relations with Washington. Japanese paratroopers are training to defend disputed islands in the East China Sea, as China increases […]
China asserts control over vast sea area, angering neighbors, U.S.
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, China, East China Sea, Fishing Rights, Philippines, South China Sea, South Korea, Taiwan, USA, VietnamVietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines and the United States have criticized China for imposing new access rules for the vast South China Sea, saying Beijing’s demand that foreign vessels get approval to enter the disputed maritime area is provocative and potentially destabilizing. But Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying retorted Friday that the rules that went into […]
The Strategic US-Japan-Korea Triangle: Emerging Perils and Prospects for Cooperation
Home > In-depth > Japan and South Korea: Doomed to Mutual Distrust? In-depth Japan and South Korea: Doomed to Mutual Distrust? The Strategic US-Japan-Korea Triangle: Emerging Perils and Prospects for Cooperation Kent Calder [Profile] Politics [2013.12.24] Read in: 日本語 | FRANÇAIS | ESPAÑOL | Developments over the past two decades have made the challenge of […]