Philippines Sovereignty
A call for a South China Sea truth movement
Antonio Carpio, Chinese claims, communication, Filipino communicators, Philippines Sovereignty, Propaganda Movement, South China Sea, West Philippine SeaSenior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio calls for Filipino communicators to champion the truth about the Philippines’ sovereignty over the West Philippine Sea in his commencement speech.
Statement on China’s Threat to Go to War with the Philippines
China, International Law, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, National Security, Philippines Sovereignty, Reed Bank, South China Sea, territorial defense, West Philippine SeaJustice Antonio T. Carpio responds to China’s threat of war over the Philippines’ activities in the West Philippine Sea, highlighting the violation of international law and calling for national unity in defending territorial rights.
The South China Sea / West Philippine Sea Dispute
2016 arbitration, ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Antonio Carpio, Artificial Islands, ASEAN, China, China’s claims, International Law, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Lecture, Maritime Disputes, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Philippines Sovereignty, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, territorial conflict, UNCLOS, USA, West Philippine SeaJustice Antonio Carpio’s series of lectures on the South China Sea dispute examines China’s claims, the legal framework under UNCLOS, and the 2016 arbitration ruling, exploring the geopolitical and economic impact on the Philippines and the region.
Roilo Golez privilege speech supporting West Philippine Sea claim vs China
China territorial disputes, Maritime Rights, Philippines EEZ, Philippines Sovereignty, Roilo Golez, South China Sea claim, UN arbitration, UNCLOS, West Philippine SeaCong. Roilo Golez delivered a privilege speech supporting the Philippines’ claim in the West Philippine Sea, emphasizing the need to challenge China’s territorial assertions through international law and the UN arbitration tribunal.