Mare Liberum
A National Strategy for the South China Sea
Analysis, Arbitration, ASEAN, China, Code of Conduct, Diplomatic Relations, East China Sea, Foreign Relations, Hugo Grotius, John Selden, Mare Closum, Mare Liberum, South China Sea Dispute, UNCLOS, USAAbstract The United States should develop and promulgate a National Strategy for the South China Sea (NSSCS) as part of its ongoing efforts to counter Chinese aggression in the region and to resolve the disputes there in a peaceful manner. It behooves the United States to shift its current posture in the South China Sea […]
Protecting the Nation’s Marine Wealth in the West Philippine Sea
China, Continental Shelf, EEZ, History, Hugo Grotius, Islands, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Mare Liberum, marine biodiversity, marine wealth, Maritime Resources, Maritime Sovereignty, ocean conservation, Philippines, Philippines marine protection, Philippines maritime strategy, Reefs, Rocks, Shoals, South China Sea, South China Sea Dispute, territorial waters, West Philippine SeaSpeech delivered before the Philippine Women’s Judges Association on 6 March 2014. Learn how the Philippines safeguards its marine wealth in the West Philippine Sea. Explore strategies, challenges, and the significance of maritime resources for the nation’s future.
Has China Awoken a Sleeping Giant in Japan?
So the Naval Diplomat found a seam in the teaching schedule and promptly winged off to Tokyo, there to lend supersecret counsel to the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Self-Defense Forces. Be afraid, China; be very, very afraid. While here I have consorted with greatness. A journey down Tokyo Bay to visit the U.S.-Japanese […]