South China Sea Disputes: Chinese Historical Evidence Found Wanting – Analysis
In response to Bill Hayton’s commentary The Paracels: Historical Evidence Must Be Examined on Eurasia Review, Professor Li Dexia and Researcher Tan Keng Tat published their commentary South China Sea Disputes: China Has Evidence Of Historical Claims – Analysis. These two authors asserted that to properly address Hayton’s issue would require a monograph and pointed […]
Global Theft of the Global Commons
Arbitration, China, environmental protection, Geopolitical Challenges, global commons, global theft, History, international cooperation, International Law, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Maritime Security, resource management, shared resources, South China Sea Dispute, Territorial Disputes, UNCLOSSpeech delivered on the 75th anniversary of the College of Law of the University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 30 August 2014. Discover the alarming reality of maritime disputes and resource exploitation in the South China Sea. Explore how territorial claims affect global commons and the urgent need for international cooperation.
Xisha (Paracel) Islands: The Inconvenient Truth – Analysis
The Xisha Islands (Paracel in English), consist of a group of about 30 islands, reefs, banks and cays in the South China Sea, with a maritime area of approximately 15,000 square kilometres. It is located about 180 nautical miles southeast of Hainan Island and about 260 nautical miles from the coast of Vietnam. There are […]
What China wants
Analysis, China, Diplomatic Relations, Domestic Policy, Economics, Foreign Policy, History, Military Upgrade, Oil Rig, Philippines, South China Sea Dispute, USA, VietnamMATTHEW BOULTON, James Watt’s partner in the development of the steam engine and one of the 18th century’s greatest industrialists, was in no doubt about the importance of Britain’s first embassy to the court of the Chinese emperor. “I conceive”, he wrote to James Cobb, secretary of the East India Company, “the present occasion to […]
China keeps changing excuses for sea claim
Austronesian, China, History, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Nine Dash Line, Philippines, South China Sea DisputeAncient Malays had crossed the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific millenniums before China started mapping its surrounding waters. With that fact, Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio prefaced a lecture last June at De La Salle University on China’s false historical claims over the South China Sea. “Historical Facts, Lies, and Rights” […]
Behind the vague cow-tongue line established by China
General Daniel Schaeffer, former French military attaché to China, Thailand and Vietnam said that the new map was an unreal curtain to hide the truth inside. What is that truth? Gen. Daniel Schaeffer said that before 2009, the Chinese government had never officially referred to the cow tongue line as the impregnable boundary of Chinese […]
China keeps changing excuses for sea claim
Ancient Malays had crossed the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific millenniums before China started mapping its surrounding waters. With that fact, Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio prefaced a lecture last June at De La Salle University on China’s false historical claims over the South China Sea. “Historical Facts, Lies, and Rights” […]
Vietnam Flays China’s Position On South China Sea – Part I
The South China Sea (SCS) has emerged as one of the major flashpoints with a host of countries making claims to parts or the whole of the area. The reason behind this dispute is because of the results of a report some years ago that testified that the area contains huge amounts of oil and […]
Taiwan renews call for peaceful resolution of South China Sea disputes
Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday reaffirmed their sovereignty over four island groups in the South China Sea, while urging neighboring countries and territories involved in territorial disputes in the area to resolve their differences through dialogue and negotiation. From the perspective of history, geography and international law, the Spratly Islands, as well as […]
China’s false memory syndrome
China, History, Militarization, Nine Dash Line, Scarborough Shoal, South China Sea Dispute, SpratlysThe South China Sea is where China’s ambitions meet Asian nervousness and American power. In its waters China has abandoned any pretence of “peaceful rise” in favour of gunboat diplomacy. Armed Chinese Coastguard ships have rammed their Vietnamese rivals, blockaded Philippine outposts, disrupted Malaysian oil surveys and threatened Indonesian vessels which protect the nation’s fisheries. […]