Hague Tribunal
Follow the Rule of Law, But Aspire for the Rule of Justice
Ateneo Law School, Commencement Speech, Hague Tribunal, International Law, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Legal Profession, Legal Reform, Philippines, Rule of Justice, Rule of Law, South China SeaJustice Antonio T. Carpio’s Ateneo Law School Commencement Speech discusses the difference between the rule of law and the rule of justice, highlighting the importance of striving for justice in law. He references key cases and global issues like the South China Sea to stress the need for justice beyond legal provisions.
The importance of integrity: South China Sea and the Philippine Constitution
Exclusive Economic Zone, Hague Tribunal, Integrity, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Maritime Law, national sovereignty, Philippine Constitution, Philippines, South China Sea, Territorial Integrity, The Declaration of the Lausanne Institute of International Law of 1888Justice Antonio T. Carpio discusses the importance of personal integrity and its relation to territorial integrity in the context of the South China Sea. He underscores the Philippines’ constitutional duty to protect its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and highlights the impact of the Hague arbitral ruling. Carpio connects personal integrity with national responsibility in defending the nation’s sovereignty for future…