China’s commerce minister warns against over-expansion
BEIJING: China’s commerce minister on Friday warned industries and companies not to over-expand, after the collapse last year of a key unit of the world’s biggest solar firm. The country’s decades-long boom has turned it into the world’s second-largest economy and a key driver of global growth, but at the same time major internal imbalances […]
Narendra Modi Gets Tough On China At a rally in India’s northeast, Narendra Modi came down hard on China’s “expansionist attitude.”
Narendra Modi, the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) candidate for prime minister in India’s upcoming general elections, has normally been quite reserved on matters of foreign policy. That changed last week when Modi publicly called for China to abandon its “expansionist attitude,” referring to India’s ongoing territorial disputes with China in Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir. At […]
Appeasement: The lessons of history
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, China, China Fishing Laws, Expansionism, Hitler, Philippines, President Benigno Aquino III, South China Sea DisputeFilm buffs familiar with the works of Mel Brooks probably know “To Be or Not to Be,” where he did an amusing impersonation of Adolf Hitler and launched into a musical number that went: “I don’t want war, all I want is peace… A little piece of Poland, a little piece of France, a little […]
Bullyism: The new face of imperialism (China’s invocation of its so-called historical right)
ASEAN, Bullyism, China, Diplomatic Relations, Expansionism, Foreign Policy, Philippines, South China Sea Dispute, StrategyI am writing once again to highlight to the international community and to the family of nations China’s aggressive imperialist design, to point out its continuous and hilarious invocation of its so-called historical right over the islands, shoals and islets that it is vigorously claiming ownership, not only in Southeast, but also in South Asia […]