Environmental Impact
Implications of Chinese Activities in the South China Sea and Benham Rise
ASEAN, Benham Rise, Chinese Activities, Environmental Impact, Exclusive Economic Zone, International Relations, Maritime Boundaries, Maritime Security, Philippine Sovereignty, Philippines, South China Sea, Strategic Waters, Territorial Disputes, UNCLOSExplore the geopolitical, economic, and legal implications of China’s activities in the South China Sea and Benham Rise. This comprehensive analysis delves into historical expansion, the nine-dash line claim, military buildup, and key UNCLOS rulings, highlighting the significance of these regions for global trade, natural resources, and international law.
A thousand cuts: Greed and politics are destroying some of Asia’s most valuable coral reefs
Artificial Islands, China, Ecocide, Ecology, Environmental Impact, Food Security, Philippines, Reclamation, South China Sea Dispute, SpratlysTHE giant clams that lurk in the coral reefs of the South China Sea can live for more than a century and grow more than a metre wide. Their shells are coveted by China’s rich as swanky furnishings or cut into trinkets, such as jewellery. Large specimens can sell for thousands of dollars. The trade […]
Establish a Marine Protected Area in the South China Sea
Artificial Islands, China, Ecocide, Ecology, Environmental Impact, Food Security, Philippines, Reclamation, South China Sea Dispute, SpratlysThe Coral Triangle section of the South China Sea is one of the richest marine ecosystems anywhere on Earth. It is recognized as the global center of marine biodiversity and a global priority for conservation. It is also called the “Amazon of the seas.” Today this region is under threat: China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, […]
South China Sea: the far-reaching consequences of island-building
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Ecocide, Environmental Impact, Fishing Rights, Militarization, Military Conflict, Natural Resources, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAWASHINGTON – What has been largely overlooked in the conversation to date around China’s campaign of dredging and construction in the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea is the necessary synthesis between the geopolitical and environmental aspects of the issue. In recent months, U.S. Navy patrols in the South China Sea and denouncements […]
The Cost to Doing Nothing in the South China Sea
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Ecocide, Environmental Impact, Fishing Rights, Militarization, Military Conflict, Natural Resources, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAPresident Obama’s visit to the Philippines this week will train a spotlight on the fiercely contested South China Sea. Both he and his hosts will likely call on China and other claimants to maintain the status quo in the region until their various differences can be resolved. Yet while that may be the best one […]
Science and Politics in the South China Sea
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Ecocide, Ecology, Environmental Impact, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, Research, Science, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAThis past summer, a scientific research vessel from the Philippines was crewed and provisioned, ready to set sail to the heart of the South China Sea to survey coral reefs, collect coral, fish, and other samples, and measure rising ocean temperatures. Then the Philippine government called it off—rising geopolitical tensions had scuttled the trip. Scattered […]
China’s island building is destroying reefs
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Ecocide, Environment, Environmental Impact, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAThe geopolitical maneuvering in the South China Sea (SCS) is taking a heavy toll on the marine environment, scientists believe. The Spratly or Nansha Islands, a cluster of coral reefs and atolls, has become the focus of a territorial dispute between China and its neighbors. To the dismay of other countries bordering the SCS, China […]
South China Sea – A Hot Debate On The Horizon
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Ecocide, Environmental Impact, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAThe latest satellite imagery of the South China Sea clearly shows that the Chinese have stepped up a notch in terms of completing the construction of an artificial island in a bid to gain a stranglehold of the region, a measure that has really annoyed quite a few regional players and has also ruffled a […]
China’s Artificial Islands in the South China Sea Are Killing Ocean Life
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Ecocide, Environmental Impact, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAMarco Rubio raised fears about China’s “artificial islands” blocking ocean traffic in the South China Sea during the recent GOP debate, but scientists think shipping lanes are the least of our concerns. A new article in the journal Science points out that the man-made islands are already taking a huge toll on the environment. China’s […]
South China Sea Images reveal impact on coral of Beijing’s military bases
Artificial Islands, China, Ecocide, Environmental Impact, Marine Life, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAAs China races to extend its military reach, it is turning pristine habitats into permanent islands. Satellite images of the South China Sea show rapid destruction of some of the most biodiverse coral reefs in the world. The reclamation of land in the contested Spratly archipelago to build runways, military outposts and even small towns […]