Chuck Hagel
Hagel, Chang air differences over disputed islands
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, China, Chuck Hagel, East China Sea, Japan, Philippines, South China Sea DisputeBEIJING (AP) — In a face-off between the defense chiefs of China and the U.S., Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told his Chinese counterpart on Tuesday that his country does not have the right to unilaterally establish an air defense zone over disputed islands with no consultation. And he said America will protect Japan, the Philippines […]
China to U.S.: We ‘Can Never Be Contained’
U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s call for a “new model” in relations with Beijing’s military ran into immediate headwinds Tuesday when China’s defense minister castigated the U.S. and its allies for raising tensions in the Asia-Pacific. As Dion Nissenbaum reports: Standing side-by-side during Mr. Hagel’s first official trip to Beijing since becoming defense secretary one […]
Hagel Spars With Chinese Over Islands and Security
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, China, Chuck Hagel, East China Sea, Japan, South China Sea Dispute, USABEIJING — The United States and China clashed over Japan on Tuesday as the Chinese defense minister asserted that Beijing had “indisputable sovereignty” over a group of islands in the East China Sea and that his country’s military stood ready to protect its interests in territorial disputes. The minister, Gen. Chang Wanquan, said that China […]
US warns China over territorial claims
TOKYO—US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel on Sunday warned China against unilateral action to resolve a territorial dispute with Japan or other Asian countries, drawing a parallel with Russia’s incursion in Ukraine. “All nations deserve respect, no matter how large or how small,” Hagel said during a visit to Tokyo. “I think we’re seeing some clear […]