China Claims
China resurrects its false claims on the South China Sea islands
Arbitral Award, ASEAN, China Claims, historical ownership, Maritime Disputes, nine-dash line, South China SeaThe arbitral ruling in 2016 dismissed China’s nine-dash line claims over the South China Sea, exposing its historical narrative as unfounded.
Filipinas Komiks 3: Ang Alamat ng Nine Dashed Line
China Claims, Filipinas Komiks, Geopolitics, International Law, Maritime Disputes, Nine Dashed Line, Philippines, South China Sea, territorial claimsFilipinas Komiks Vol. 3: Ang Alamat ng Nine Dashed Line uncovers the origins of China’s controversial Nine Dash Line claim in the South China Sea, offering a compelling narrative that explains its historical and legal background. This comic presents complex issues in a digestible format.