Arms Race
Anxious About China, Asian Nations Buy More U.S. Military Hardware
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Arms Race, Artificial Islands, China, Malaysia, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USA, VietnamU.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter, right, and Vietnam’s Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh review the guard of honour during a welcoming ceremony at the Defense Ministry in Hanoi, Vietnam, on June 1. The U.S., Russia, France, the U.K. and other countries are all jockeying to sell military equipment to Southeast Asian countries. Hoang Dinh Nam/Reuters/Landov […]
Crowded Waters: The South China Sea’s Next Big Flashpoint?
Analysis, Arms Race, China, Military Buildup, Military Conflict, Philippines, South China Sea DisputeThe South China Sea ranks high on any list of the world’s geopolitical hotspots. But though the region has been volatile for centuries, the last two decades have witnessed a subtle shift in the underlying drivers of conflict. Through most of the second half of the twentieth century, the biggest threats to regional stability were […]
India to supply Vietnam with naval vessels amid territorial disputes with China
India will soon be supplying naval vessels to Vietnam, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday, the first significant military transfer to Hanoi at a time when it is embroiled in a territorial dispute with China. The announcement came after Modi held talks with his visiting Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Tan Dung, during which the two […]
Taiwan Considers Permanent Armed Ships For Disputed South China Sea Island
Arms Race, China, Inu Taba, Military Conflict, Philippines, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, Taiwan(Reuters) – Taiwan is considering stationing armed vessels permanently on a disputed South China Sea island, officials said, a move bound to renew friction in a region claimed almost wholly by China, with Vietnam already dismissing such a plan as “illegal”. The potentially energy-rich Spratly islands are one of the main flashpoints in the South China Sea, with claims […]
Build up to WW3 – Philippines & U.S. stage War Games in face of CHINA
1Rexbelli, Arms Race, Asia-Pacific, balance of power, China, Chinese military, Guam, Military Bases, Military Exercises, Okinawa, Philippines, protests, Regional Stability, South China Sea, Spratly Islands, territorial dispute, US military, US-China relations, VietnamThis video explores the escalating tensions in the South China Sea, focusing on joint military exercises between the US and its allies in the region, including the Philippines and Vietnam. While these exercises are intended to enhance cooperation, they are viewed with concern by China, which is increasingly assertive in its territorial claims. The video examines the role of the…