Arbitration ruling
The Framework Code of Conduct, One Year After the Arbitration
ADR Institute, Arbitration ruling, Framework Code of Conduct, International Law, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Maritime Security, Philippines-China relations, South China Sea, Territorial Disputes, UNCLOSJustice Antonio T. Carpio reflects on the Framework Code of Conduct one year after the arbitration ruling, addressing its role in managing South China Sea disputes. Delivered at the ADR Institute on 12 July 2017.
Philippine Sovereign Rights and Jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea
Arbitration ruling, International Law, Justice Antonio Carpio, Marine Resources, Maritime Security, Philippine Sovereign Rights, South China Sea disputes, UNCLOS, West Philippine SeaRemarks by Amb. Albert del Rosario at the e-book launch of “Philippine Sovereign Rights and Jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea,” highlighting the Philippines’ stance on maritime rights and the importance of international law in protecting sovereign interests.
Personal Statement on the Final Arbitral Award
2016 ruling, Amb. Albert del Rosario, Arbitration ruling, Final Arbitral Award, International Law, international law compliance, International Relations, Maritime Law, Maritime Rights, Philippine Sovereignty, South China Sea, territorial rightsAmb. Albert del Rosario’s personal statement on August 13, 2017, emphasizes the significance of the Final Arbitral Award in protecting the Philippines’ sovereign rights in the South China Sea, stressing the importance of compliance and international support.
Personal Statement on the Final Arbitral Award
2016 ruling, Arbitration ruling, Final Arbitral Award, International Law, Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Maritime Law, Philippine Sovereignty, South China Sea, territorial rightsJustice Antonio T. Carpio’s remarks on the Final Arbitral Award highlight the significance of the 2016 ruling in securing the Philippines’ rights over the South China Sea and the importance of international law.