Adm. Locklear
Is US Pacific “Dominance” Up For Grabs?
ADIZ, Adm. Locklear, Air Defense Identification Zone, China, Diplomatic Relations, Militarization, Nava Exercisesl, Naval Stockpiling, South China Sea Dispute, USARecent comments by U.S. Navy Admiral Samuel Locklear III set the internet afire (well, at least for strategic studies followers) in suggesting that the United States was losing dominance in the Pacific Ocean. While no news to those of us who follow events closely in this part of the world, such remarks are a stark […]
China’s Doublethink on the Law of the Sea
Senior Colonel Zhou Bo set China-watchers atwitter last week when he informed a group including Admiral Samuel Locklear, big kahuna of the U.S. Pacific Command, that the PLA Navy has “sort of reciprocated America’s reconnaissance in our EEZ by sending our ships to America’s EEZ for reconnaissance.” One meme making the rounds among the punditry […]