South China Sea: the dispute that could start a military conflict


is one of the world’s busiest waterways and rich in natural resources. It is also one of the most contested maritime areas, with various countries, including China, Vietnam and the Philippines claiming sovereignty.

TheSouth China Sea
The United States is not a claimant but it does have strategic interests in the area and its
military conducts regular patrols.

Tensions escalated in mid-July when, for the first time, the US formally opposed China’s claim to almost all of the waters, calling it“completely unlawful” under the international law of the sea in the area as recently as July in response to the US Navy’s own drills and freedom-of-navigation operations.Analysts have warned that the dispute could be atipping point for military conflict. The Chinese air force of the People’s Liberation Army has conductedlive-fire drills in parts of the South China Sea, much to the opposition of other claimants. But tensions have simmered for some time. Satellite images show that China has builtartificial islandsandmilitary facilities