South China Sea Dispute

The South China Sea dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands has again escalated, with IHS Jane’s reporting that China is building a large scale military heliport 300 KM from the islands. Within this range, Chinese helicopter forces would be able to aid forces active in any potential conflict over the islands.

The distance won’t allow the helicopters to offer any air cover for the islands, but it will allow helicopter to run supplies and troops from a reliable and safe base. China’s Super Frelon-based Z-8s, Mi-8s, Sikorsky   S-70s and the huge Mil Mi-26s will be able to offer logistical support to any Chinese forces operating in the area. The base is amongst China’s closest facilities, and the construction signals a continuation of China’s build up policy in the region, which has mostly been characterised by land reclamation up until now.

The next step in China’s build up is likely to be construction of an airfield. Currently, its nearest airbase is Luqiao, which is 380KM away from the islands, from which it operates Chengdu J-10A fighters. However, land reclamation efforts at Fiery Cross Islands points to the hole being filled. Work began in August of last year and indications are that the construction will be a 3,000m long airstrip. The construction of this airstrip would really give China an almost unassailable advantage in the contest over the islands. Given the sheer size and technical superiority of China’s forces over those opposing their claims, China’s only disadvantage is the distance of the islands from existing military facilities.

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