Satellite image shows Chinese airstrip on Fiery Cross Reef

Despite opposition from the United States and the Philippines, China has begun to build an airstrip on Fiery Cross Reef in the disputed South China Sea, according to a satellite image released recently, the Shanghai-based Guancha Syndicate reports.

Jen Psaki, spokeswoman for the US Department of State, openly criticized China’s extensive land reclamation in South China Sea at a press conference on March 9, saying it is causing great anxiety among neighboring countries in the Southeast Asia who are concerned that China plans to establish military facilities on reclaimed islands and reefs for the People’s Liberation Army to more strongly assert its dominance over the disputed region, which China claims in its entirety.

The satellite image taken on March 10 shows a grey straight line on the northeast corner of Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratlys, known as Yongshu Reef in Chinese. The size of a lake on the island is also smaller compared to the photos taken earlier.

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