Protecting our nation’s rights

The combination of worldwide concern about China’s increasing aggressiveness in its foreign policy, together with its increased military capability and the strong public stand of President Aquino against appeasement in dealing with China, has made P-Noy an increasingly major figure in international politics. His statements regarding China are now being quoted on the world scene.

In April President Obama will visit several countries in Asia including Japan and the Philippines. Very high on the agenda will definitely be the increasing tensions between China and its neighbors.

The one thing America’s allies in Asia, including the Philippines, will be asking is whether the United States will commit to defend them against Chinese aggressiveness. In 2012, the United States supposedly arranged for China and the Philippines to mutually withdraw their forces from the Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal. The Philippine forces left but China kept its forces intact. The United States did not take any action. Was this American inaction part of a policy of appeasement in this region?


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