We’re living in the most dangerous region in the world

When a world-renowned geopolitical risk analyst tells you you’re living in the world’s most dangerous place, what do you do?

You blanch and blink.

Ian Bremmer, 44, a political risk expert who founded the Eurasia Group, was sitting in a nondescript room with several newspaper editors from Singapore Press Holdings intent on picking his brains on hot spots in the world.

He was talking about the Ukraine and Russia, which he considered a graver threat to world order than the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. The western world’s mismanagement in Ukraine had led to Russia flexing its muscle, Nato displeasure and Russia cosying up to China. The latter was what worried Mr Bremmer, more than the mayhem being unleashed by the ISIS extremists in Syria and Iraq.

But the most troubling conflict zone, the most dangerous place in the world long-term, is this region, he said. He meant Asia.

In the media business, it’s easy to get caught up with the headlines of the week. These days, the news is all about ISIS. It was Scotland’s referendum last week, and Ukraine remains on and off for the past few months. China and disputes in the East and South China Seas have been knocked off the front-page headlines for a few weeks.

But it remains the most worrying conflict zone in the world to this political scientist with a PhD from Stanford.
– See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/opinion/more-opinion-stories/story/were-living-the-most-dangerous-region-the-world-20140928#sthash.LOZfZeqs.dpuf