Justice Carpio delivers lecture in DLSU, deconstructs China’s territorial claims

Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio gave a lecture on the West Philippine Sea on Friday, June 6, at the Henry Sy, Sr. Hall. Entitled “Historical Facts, Historical Lies, and Historical Rights in the West Philippine Sea,” the lecture centered in on Carpio’s scholarly research regarding China’s historical basis of sovereignty over disputed waters on the West Philippine Sea.

In attendance were officials from the Supreme Court and the Department of Foreign Affairs, members of the diplomatic corps, the media, government officials, and the Lasallian community. The event was organized by the University’s College of Law (COL) and College of Liberal Arts (CLA).

Read more: http://thelasallian.com/2014/06/07/justice-carpio-delivers-lecture-in-dlsu-deconstructs-chinas-territorial-claims/