Indonesia conducts major naval drills in South China Sea

The TNI-AL’s CN-235-220 maritime patrol aircraft while it was on a visit at the Singapore Airshow 2016. A similar aircraft has been deployed to the Natuna islands region for a naval drill in 2016. Source: IHS/Ridzwan Rahmat
Key Points
Indonesia has increased the complexity of an annual naval exercise and staging it near disputed waters
Exercise is being conducted against the backdrop of rising maritime tensions in the region
The Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL – Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut) has deployed five surface combatants, an auxiliary support vessel, and a maritime patrol aircraft to the Natuna islands region for a 12-day naval exercise near disputed waters of the South China Sea.

A representative from the TNI-AL’s Western Fleet’s (KOARMABAR’s) office of public affairs told IHS Jane’s on 16 June that the deployment represents one of the service’s largest ever dispatch of naval assets to Natuna in recent years.

Vessels deployed in the exercise, which is taking place from 9-20 June, are namely the Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I)-class corvettes KRI Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin (376), KRI Sutanto (377), KRI Imam Bonjol (383), and KRI Teuku Umar (385), the service’s lead Todak-class missile attack craft (631), and its coastal tanker KRI Balikpapan (901). Also deployed in the exercise is a CN-235-220 maritime patrol aircraft (MPA).