DLSU, Sussex Academic Press to launch new book on South China Sea

MANILA — A new book on the South China Sea will be launched at the De La Salle University (DLSU) in Manila this week.

The book, entitled “The South China Sea Arbitration: Understanding the Awards and Debating with China,” is written by Dr. Alfredo C. Robles Jr. and jointly published by DLSU Publishing House and Sussex Academic Press in United Kingdom.

It will be launched on January 22, which is also the same day in 2013 when the Philippines formally transmitted to China a notification and statement of claim.

Among the information revealed by Robles’ book is that China has used disinformation and propaganda to undermine the Philippines’ win in the South China Sea arbitration.

In his book, Robles detailed how China attempted to influence the Tribunal without the knowledge of the Philippines, as well as dismissed the arbitration as non-binding, among other things.

“These claims were outrageous, but they could only be refuted using a scholarly approach,” Robles said.

Robles is a university fellow at DLSU Manila. He holds doctorate degrees in International and European Studies from Universite Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and in Political Science from Syracuse University.
