Chinese missiles in Spratlys threaten PH int’l air, sea access: analyst

MANILA – China’s installation of missiles in the Spratly islands threatens the Philippines’ international access in the disputed South China Sea, an analyst said Saturday.

Anders Corr, an analyst with The Journal of Political Risk, said Beijing’s militarization efforts in the South China Sea “constricts” Manila’s access to air and sea routes.

“It threatens in the future to constrict Philippines access to the outside world,” he told ANC.

China has built several artificial islands in the South China Sea and equipped them with runways, missile systems, and communication facilities.

Earlier this week, Beijing confirmed that it has installed missiles in the Spratly islands but maintained that the move “targets no one.”

The Chinese army installed anti-ship and air-to-air defenses on outposts also claimed by Vietnam and the Philippines over the last 30 days, American television network CNBC reported Wednesday, citing sources close to United States intelligence.

The new Chinese missiles were reportedly deployed on Fiery Cross Reef, Subi Reef and Mischief Reef, according to CNBC.

Palace still verifying new China missiles in Spratlys
They are all in the Spratlys archipelago located in waters south of mainland China between Vietnam and the Philippines.

Malacañang has expressed concern over the missile deployment but noted that “we are confident that those missiles are not directed at us.”

Palace airs concern over Chinese missiles in S. China Sea
Aside from invoking the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s decision validating the Philippines’ maritime entitlements in the South China Sea, Corr said Manila could also file a formal diplomatic protest.

“The Philippines could do quite a bit. The first thing would be to launch a formal diplomatic protest. The second thing would be to call in the ambassador from China into the Palace for talking to…” he said.