China vows to firmly safeguard South China Sea amid tougher US

The Chinese government vowed to safeguard China-occupied features in West Philippines Sea, this is as the new United States administration under President Donald Trump signaled tougher position. China is claiming, virtually, the entire South China Sea including the waters within Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) known as the West Philippine Sea.

“The new US administration has signaled a more tougher line towards China. Steve Bannon, the Trump adviser, said last year that he had no doubt that there would be war between China and the US in the South China Sea in the next five or ten year. What is your response?” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang was asked during a press conference February 3.

“We have taken this question before. China’s position on the South China Sea issue is very clear and also consistent. China has indisputable sovereignty over the relevant islands and reefs in the South China Sea and the adjacent waters,” Lu Kang said.

He then said China will firmly safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea.

“We are also committed to maintaining peace and stability of the relevant areas alongside regional countries. We hope that the non-regional country can respect the common interests and aspirations of regional countries and help preserve a peaceful, stable and secure environment for the region, since it serves the interests of all parties,” he added.