September 2015
Obama airs concern on sea row at UN
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAWASHINGTON – Three days after calling out China over its land reclamation and militarization of disputed areas in the South China Sea, US President Barack Obama voiced his concern yet again before the United Nations and urged a resolution of the problem “through international law, not the law of force.” The United States does not […]
China ‘brazenly lying’ about activities in West PH Sea – Golez
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAMetro Manila (CNN Philippines) — Brazen lies. This was how a former lawmaker described on Wednesday (September 30) Beijing’s pronouncements about disputed waters — based on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent speech at the White House. Roilo Golez, who also served as national security adviser during the Arroyo administration, said China was “brazenly lying” about […]
Guest Post: Setting the Boundaries in the South China Sea
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USATensions between China and Vietnam over the South China Sea are rising and a miscalculation or miscommunication risks an outbreak of hostilities. Earlier this month, satellite imagery revealed that China is constructing its third airstrip in the disputed Spratly Islands, an archipelago of 750 reefs, cays, and islands claimed—in whole or in part—by China, Vietnam, […]
‘North to Alaska:’ US and Chinese Competing Visions of Maritime Fair Use
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAIn August, China and Russia conducted a large bilateral naval exercise called Joint Sea 2015 II in the Sea of Japan. The exercise concerned some observers for what it implied about a solidifying geopolitical block aligned against the U.S. But its location provided the Chinese with another opportunity – to enter the Bering Sea and […]
The Trillion-Dollar Question: Who Will Control the South China Sea?
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USANor has the U.S. cultivated the kind of ties with China that would allow Washington to happily cede influence to Beijing in the way that Britain ultimately relinquished maritime influence to the United States (first in the Caribbean and later in the Mediterranean). Britain and the U.S. were of a like mind when it came […]
The impact of U.S., China meet on West Philippine Sea dispute
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAMetro Manila (CNN Philippines) — The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) admits good relations between China and the U.S. are important for stability not only in the Asian region, but the entire world. DFA officials pointed out Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States could mean easing tensions in disputed areas in the […]
The impact of U.S., China meet on West Philippine Sea dispute
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USAMetro Manila (CNN Philippines) — The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) admits good relations between China and the U.S. are important for stability not only in the Asian region, but the entire world. DFA officials pointed out Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States could mean easing tensions in disputed areas in the […]
The Great Unraveling of U.S. Policy in the South China Sea
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USABeijing may be playing coy over whether it considers the South China Sea part of its sovereign territory, but the country’s actions indicate that its preferred outcome is Chinese sovereignty within the “nine-dash line.” Meanwhile, the Obama Administration’s vacillation over how to challenge Beijing’s assertiveness in the region undermines U.S. policy to shape China’s rise […]
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USA
Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee has used an address to China’s National Defense University in Beijing to urge the North Asian giant to behave like a “big country” in the South China Sea, where its creation of islands to compete for maritime territory is causing tension with other regional powers and the United States. “All big […]
How to resolve China crisis? 2 ex-lawmakers push for back-channeling, suspension of Chinese mining
ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone, Artificial Islands, China, Militarization, Military Conflict, Philippines, Reclamation, Regular Patrols, South China Sea Dispute, Spratlys, USACANDELARIA, Zambales — How can the Philippines put political pressure on China and show opposition to Chinese aggression in West Philippine Sea? Former Senator Leticia Ramos-Shahani has called for boycott of Chinese goods, while former Garbriela Partylist Representative Liza Maza has pushed for the suspension of operations of Chinese mining firms in the country. The […]